Course Selection
Course Selections Sheets
Your child should have or will be given a course selection sheet at their school. You may also print a course selection sheet from below for the upcoming grade level, or one can be picked up from the counselor's office at SBMS.
Planning for the Next Grade Presentations
Course Selection Questions
6th Grade Q&A Intake Form
Complete the linked form to ask Course Selection Questions
7th & 8th Grade Course Selection Frequently Asked Questions
Questions | Answers |
Do sports periods (basketball and volleyball) satisfy the PE requirement for both semesters? |
Athletics for both fall and spring allow a student to fulfill their PE middle school requirement |
If an 8th grader wants to play a sport (aka Volleyball) do they HAVE to select Athletics/PE as an elective? My child has already met the PE requirements for middle school so would rather take a different elective but still play on a school sports team. | Since teams practice during the Athletics period they should select the Athletics class for their sport or sports |
My son is taking the CBE Math test early February , how do we select the Math course selection if we do not have the results yet ? Do we choose the option that assumes he passed the CBE and if he does not pass it , would he be automatically enrolled in the AAC Math? | Select the math option assuming you do not pass. If the student passes once scores are official, counselors will change the student's schedule/request |
What doss the general employability skills class cover and entail? Also same question for speech and communications. What does that require and entail? Lastly, what does principles of applied engineering and principles of information technology entail? Which of those has the most workload in which of those has the least? Thank you! | Please refer to the course catalog for course descriptions. Courses that offer high school credit are more rigorous than middle school courses so students need to be prepared for the increased rigor |
How can they indicate that they are in off campus health fitness? For kids in 6th grade, in 7th grade AAC math, what do they sign up for? When is foreign language required? |
For Off Campus Health Fitness, select one of the health fitness options (either athletics or PE) and once we receive the list of approved students from the district counselors will update schedules. For 6th grade students currently in 7th grade AAC Math, have them select Algebra 1 for their math course. 2 years of a foreign language are required in high school. Students have the opportunity to earn their foreign language credits during 7th and 8th grade by taking Spanish |
Which courses can give me HS credit? | Please refer to the course selection sheet |
what electives are available for 8th graders. | Please refer to the course selection sheet |
For football or soccer classes; must you also be accepted to the team first via tryouts or how does that work if you are not on the team? Can you be on the school team without taking the course? | If you are on one of the sports teams, then you should be in the Athletics class since that is part of their practice time. Football is a no cut sport, however Soccer is a cut sport |
Any college/high school credit courses? | Please refer to the course selection sheet. We only offer certain high school credit options in middle school not college |
What do high school credits do (for the electives)? | High school credits are needed in order to graduate high school. Students have the opportunity to take high school credits in middle school to begin fulfilling high school requirements |
What is covered in elective, general employment skills? | General employability covers the different career clusters and pathways |
Can a student take a study hall in both semesters of a school year? How do you show "Off Campus Health Fitness" activities on the course selection form? Are Culinary Arts electives not offered to 7th graders? |
Study Hall can only be taken one semester not both. For Off Campus Health Fitness, select one of the health fitness options (either athletics or PE) and once we receive the list of approved students from the district counselors will update schedules. General employability has elements of cooking but the focus is on exploring the different career clusters and pathways. SBMS's culinary class is for 8th grade students |
The Course Selection Form states that students should choose electives that they have not taken yet. If a student takes Choir in 6th grade, can they not choose that same elective in 7th and 8th grade? | If a student would like to continue to the next level of a fine art, they can select the option on the course selection sheets. Fine arts teachers will then place students into ensembles |
Is Principles of Hospitality & Tourism-CHT00 not available to 7th graders? | That course is only available for 8th grade students |
If a student wants to play basketball and run track but doesn’t want to play football, should that student take athletics both semesters? | No, that student should do PE in the Fall and Athletics in the spring semester. Football is required for boys if you are in boys athletics in the fall |
If a student wants to play basketball and run track but doesn’t want to play football, should that student take athletics both semesters? | No, that student should only do athletics in the spring semester. Football is required for boys if you are in boys athletics in the fall |
1. Study Hall - Study Hall is listed as a 1 Semester elective, but can they select it for both Fall and Spring semesters and take Study Hall for the whole year? 2. Art - My son took Art this year in 6th grade, but doesn’t want to take it in 7th grade. Can he take Art 2 in 8th grade for HS credit even though he didn’t take it in 7th grade, just 6th? He would like to fulfill his HS fine art requirement for High School. |
Study Hall can only be taken one semester not both. Art 2 does not contain any high school credit. The only Art class that students can earn high school credit is Art 1 AAC. It is suggested students take Art 1 and Art 2 during 6th and 7th grade to be prepared for the Art 1 AAC course in order to earn their high school fine art credit |
For the classes that offer high school credit, are those limited in size? If so, what is the process for enrolling students if they are requested but the class limit is reached or exceeded? Students who completed an art credit across the two semesters, for example, band, have they completed all required band or art credits for middle school? Once students are headed into eighth grade, how many more high school Credit classes are offered? Will high school Credit classes completed in middle school count towards a high school GPA? |
Students can request to enter into a class that has high school credit and counselors do their best to ensure everyone is able to get scheduled for the course. As long as a student has one full year of a fine art then they have fulfilled their middle school fine art requirement. 8th grade students have 10 courses available to them where they can earn high school credit. High school credits that are taken in middle school do not affect a student's high school GPA but do appear on their high school transcript |
Is the ESL program a separate course from the English subject he is currently taking? | The ESL English classes fulfill the students Language Arts requirement for students |
If we select zero hour French at MHS can we also choose 8 additional classes at SBMS? What are the logistics and rules regarding a zero hour class? | Zero hour classes are taught before middle school 1st period begins. Students will need to be dropped off by a parent at Memorial High School's first period and a bus will bring them back during 1st period at SBMS. Once they arrive, they will be placed into an office aide position |
What is taught in General Employability Skills? Can you provide more information regarding this course, please? | Please refer to the course catalog: |
Can you please elaborate on what is taught in Professional Communications (Speech)? Does it include public speaking skills, or is it more like a debate course? | Please refer to the course catalog: |
What is taught in Principles of Information Technology? | Please refer to the course catalog: |
Is there a course catalog online that describes the electives, or where can I find more information about these course offerings? | Yes, here is the link to the course catalog: |
Is Art 2 a 1 or 2 semester course? | Art 2 is a full year (2 semester course) |
If child completes MT 6AAC/GT in 6th grade which math do we choose for 7th grade? | If a student completed Math 6 AAC then their next math class would be Math 7 AAC |
What are the foreign language requirements for HS? Is it okay to take a semester of study hall in both 7th and 8th grades? |
For high school, students will need 2 years of a foreign language to graduate. Students are able to take study hall as a 7th grader and as an 8th grader |
I see that only 1 semester of Fine Arts is required in middle school. So, if the student took both art and band in 6th grade, then no further art requirement is needed? | Correct, once a student completes a fine arts course, they have fulfilled the requirement. Our fine arts are currently year long so they would remain in the class the entire school year |
If the student took Art in 6th grade and wanted to continue Art, would they sign up for Art 1 or Art 2 for 7th grade? | If a student took Art 1 as a 6th grader then they would sign up for Art 2 for 7th grade |
is there any testing or additional requirement needed to switch from the general science class to AAC? | For 7th grade AAC Science there is no prerequisite. For 8th grade AAC Science students they need to also be in Algebra 1 to be eligible for 8th grade AAC Science |
I don't see some of the electives that are listed in the course catalog on the purple selection sheet. (i.e. Professional Communications). Are these available to enroll or not? If so, how do we do so on the sheet provided? | Only the courses that are on your student's course selection sheet are being offered next school year. The course catalog is for all of Spring Branch ISD so it's important to make sure to double check that the course you are wanting is offered for our campus and your student's grade. In addition, some classes are only for 8th grade such as professional communications and principles of hospitality and tourism |
How my daughter could be take de CBE? | For Credit By Exam, please reach out to your grade level counselor |
My son already turned his in, but we need to make a change. How do I get his form back? | He could either ask his social studies teacher for the form back or come to the counselor's office to get another copy |